Herb. IMI records for geographical unit Southeastern Europe

7443 specimens retrieved. Results page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

IMI number Name, associated organism Locality Collector Type status
IMI 1081 associated with Prunus mahaleb Romania Savulescu
IMI 1123 associated with Bambusa arundinacea Italy Briosi, G.; Cavara, F. (415)
IMI 4213 Italy Saccardo, P.A.
IMI 6085 associated with Cydonia vulgaris Romania Savulescu; Sandhu 1930-01-02
IMI 6417 associated with Paliurus Romania Savulescu; Sandu 1934-04-13
IMI 7210 associated with Cynoglossum officinale Romania Savulescu; Sandhu 1930-06-27
IMI 7252 associated with Symphytum cordatum Romania 1933-06-21
IMI 7253 associated with Astragalus Romania 1931-07-12
IMI 7256 associated with Lolium italicum Italy Briosi, G.; Cavara, F. 1889
IMI 7449 associated with Prunus domestica Italy Briosi, G.; Cavara, F. 1889
IMI 7552 associated with Prunus domestica Italy Briosi, G.; Cavara, F. 1889
IMI 7601 associated with Cordius personata Romania Savulescu; Sandhu 1930-08-11
IMI 7619 associated with Fraxinus Italy Briosi, G.; Cavara, F. 1896
IMI 7759 associated with Cynanchum acutum Romania Savulescu; Sandhu 1926-08-01
IMI 7789 associated with Capparis spinosa Italy Passerini, G. 1889-08
IMI 7790 associated with Capparis spinosa Italy
IMI 7872 associated with Helianthemum polifolium Italy 1904 ex type coll.
IMI 8218 associated with Galega officinalis Romania Savulescu; Sandu 1934-08-21
IMI 8293 associated with Althaea rosea Romania 1935-07-20
IMI 8528 associated with Tilia parvifolia Romania Savulescu; Sandhu 1929-06-18
IMI 8530 associated with Tilia europaea Italy Briosi, G.; Cavara, F. 1888
IMI 8580 associated with Viola tricolor Romania Savulescu; Sandhu 1934-11-07
IMI 8581 associated with Viola tricolor Italy Briosi, G.; Cavara, F. 1891
IMI 8644 associated with Trollius europaeus Romania Savulescu; Sandhu 1932-06-08
IMI 8645 Romania
IMI 8683 on leaf of Quercus Italy Briosi, G.; Cavara, F. 1889
IMI 10038 on leaf of Avena sativa Romania Savulescu; Sandhu 1933-07-08
IMI 10047 on leaf of Iris pumila Romania Savulescu; Sandhu 1932-05-30
IMI 10050 on leaf of Iris germanica Romania Savulescu; Sandhu 1927-07-27
IMI 10130 associated with Ballota nigra Romania Savulescu; Sandhu 1931-07-11
IMI 10131 on leaf of Valeriana officinalis Romania 1931-06-24 ex type coll.
IMI 10135 associated with Bunias orientalis Romania Savulescu; Sandhu 1931-08-12
IMI 10140 associated with Carduus personata Romania Savulescu; Sandhu 1932-09-19
IMI 10159 associated with Corthusa mathida Romania Savulescu; Sandhu 1930-08-08 ex type coll.
IMI 10192 associated with Geum aleppicum Romania Savulescu; Sandhu 1931-07-10 ex type coll.
IMI 10210 associated with Scabiosa ochroleuca Romania Savulescu; Sandhu 1933-07-15
IMI 10224 associated with Leonurus cardiaca Romania Savulescu; Sandhu 1926-07-08
IMI 10225 associated with Leonurus marrubiastrum Romania Savulescu; Sandhu 1932-06-15
IMI 10242 associated with Melampyrum arvense Romania Savulescu; Sandhu 1933-06-14
IMI 10259 associated with Onopordon acanthium Romania Savulescu; Sandhu 1932-06-24
IMI 10269 associated with Petasites tomentosus Romania 1931-06-02 Holotype of Ramularia petasites-tomentosi S?vul. & Sandu 1933
IMI 10274 associated with Scutellaria altissima Romania Savulescu; Sandhu 1932-06-23
IMI 10306 associated with Levisticum officinale Romania Savulescu; Sandhu 1929-10-07
IMI 10331 associated with Cornus sanguinea Romania Savulescu; Sandhu 1934-09-08
IMI 11160 on trunk of Fagus sylvatica Bosnia-Herzegovina
IMI 11451 on leaf of Echinops sphaerocephalus Romania
IMI 11694 on leaf of Asphodelus microcarpus Croatia
IMI 12190 on leaf of Inula helenium Romania
IMI 12589 associated with Pinus nigra Croatia
IMI 12698 on culm, dead of Phyllostachys mitis Italy
IMI 12968 on leaf, living of Muscari comosum Slovenia
IMI 13717 associated with Brassica napus var. oleifera Romania Savulescu; Sandhu 1938-06-03
IMI 15671 Romania
IMI 15759 associated with Betula verrucosa Romania Savulescu; Sandu 1933-08-28
IMI 15801 associated with Pistacia lentiscus Albania Petrak, F. 1918-09-21
IMI 16252 Italy
IMI 16346 associated with Capparis spinosa Italy
IMI 16473 associated with Capiforiaceae Italy
IMI 16516 on leaf of Salix Italy Cesati, V. de
IMI 16597 associated with Pyrus communis Italy Passerini, G.
IMI 18852 associated with Arbutus unedo Italy
IMI 19658 associated with Pyrus communis Italy Peglion, V. 1894
IMI 19850 associated with Rhus cotinus Romania Savulescu; Sandu 1937-07-16
IMI 19860 associated with Nerium oleander Italy 1900
IMI 19863 associated with Arum maculatum Romania Savulescu; Sandu 1932-05-20
IMI 19866 associated with Cynantum acetum Romania Savulescu; Sandu 1925
IMI 19867 associated with Vincetoxicum officinale Romania Savulescu; Sandu 1925-07-02
IMI 19869 associated with Cynanchum vincetoxicum Romania 1931-08-02
IMI 19886 associated with Specularia speculum Romania Savulescu; Sandu 1933-07-14
IMI 19915 associated with Lychnis coronaria Romania Savulescu; Sandu 1932-07-13
IMI 19918 associated with Melandrium nemorale Romania 1932-09-04
IMI 19925 associated with Euonymus europaeus Romania 1923-08-08
IMI 19942 associated with Centrophyllum lanatum Romania 1932-06-24
IMI 19974 associated with Senecio nemorensis Romania Savulescu; Sandu 1932-09-04
IMI 19978 associated with Serratula tinctoria Romania Savulescu; Sandu 1931-06-24
IMI 19988 associated with Xanthium strumarium Romania Savulescu; Sandu 1932-07-15
IMI 20011 associated with Cornus sanguinea Italy
IMI 20019 associated with Isatis tinctoria Romania Savulescu; Sandu 1930-05-08
IMI 20020 associated with Sisymbrium altissimum Romania Savulescu; Sandu 1933-07-15
IMI 20058 associated with Arbutus unedo Italy Tognini, G. 1888
IMI 20066 associated with Euphorbia amygdaloides Romania Savulescu 1931-04-28
IMI 20067 associated with Euphorbia virginata Romania Savulescu 1933-07-22
IMI 20084 on leaf of Limnanthemum nymphoides Romania 1926-07-26
IMI 20128 associated with Zea mays Romania Savulescu; Sandu 1933-07-17
IMI 20136 associated with Iris pallida Montenegro Bubák, F. 1903-04-12
IMI 20141 associated with Galeobdolon luteum Romania Savulescu; Sandu 1930-03-23
IMI 20227 associated with Orobus variegatus Italy Passerini, G. 1876-06
IMI 20251 associated with Althaea officinalis Romania 1934-08-31
IMI 20261 associated with Ficus carica Italy 1895
IMI 20269 associated with Fraxinus ornus Italy Briosi, G.; Cavara, F. (369) 1900
IMI 20301 associated with Plantago poyllii Romania 1933-06-13 ex type coll.
IMI 20339 associated with Agrimonia eupatoria Romania 1934-08-21
IMI 20342 associated with Amygdalus persica Italy 1888
IMI 20343 associated with Crataegus monogyna Romania ex type coll.
IMI 20344 associated with Crataegus oxyacantha Italy 1890
IMI 20345 associated with Crataegus oxyacantha Romania Savulescu; Sandu 1934-08-21
IMI 20358 associated with Mespilus germanica Italy 1896
IMI 20398 associated with Sieversia montana Romania Savulescu; Sandu 1931-08-08
IMI 20399 associated with Sorbus torminalis Romania Savulescu; Sandu 1931-08-29
IMI 20411 associated with Clematis recta Romania Savulescu; Sandu 1931-06-20
IMI 20417 associated with Paeonia romanica Romania Savulescu; Sandu 1932-05-29
IMI 20448 associated with Salix alba Italy 1889
IMI 20476 associated with Hyoscyamus niger Romania 1931-07-10
IMI 20757 associated with Solanum lycopersicum Romania 1925-05-20
IMI 20768 associated with Daphne blagayana Romania Knechtel, W. 1937-05-07
IMI 20835 associated with Laserpitium latifolium Romania 1932-09-04
IMI 20836 associated with Levisticum officinale Romania Savulescu; Sandu 1931-07-30
IMI 20844 associated with Peucedanum cervaria Romania Savulescu; Sandu 1931-06-25
IMI 20845 associated with Pimpinella saxifraga Romania 1931-08-18 ex type coll.
IMI 21005 associated with Eryngium campestre Romania Savulescu; Sandu 1930-04-22
IMI 21065 associated with Arum orientale Romania Savulescu; Sandu 1930-05-10
IMI 21073 associated with Olea europaea Italy Briosi, G.; Cavara, F.
IMI 21177 Italy 1929-10
IMI 21267 on rotten wood of Plantae Italy
IMI 21459 associated with Melissa officinalis Romania Savulescu; Sandu 1933-06-12
IMI 21486 associated with Pyrus malus Romania Savulescu; Sandu 1930-01-02
IMI 21605 associated with Fraxinus excelsior Romania Savulescu; Sandu 1934-08-31
IMI 21607 associated with Cannabis sativa Italy 1897
IMI 21713 associated with Fagus sylvatica Italy 1896
IMI 21733 associated with Medicago sativa Romania Savulescu; Sandu 1936-05-28
IMI 21748 associated with Populus alba Italy 1890
IMI 21814 associated with Rhus oxyacanthoides Italy
IMI 21833 associated with Carex riparia Romania Savulescu; Sandu 1934-04-09
IMI 22062 associated with Betula alba Italy Gibelli, G. 1895 ex type coll.
IMI 22581 associated with Triticum vulgare Italy 1892
IMI 22589 associated with Vitis vinifera Italy 1891
IMI 22700 associated with Rubus idaeus Romania Savulescu; Sandu 1933-07-24 ex type coll.
IMI 24040 associated with Atriplex halimus Greece 1942-04-19 type (fide Petrak)
IMI 26042 associated with Camellia japonica Italy
IMI 26392 on leaf of Asperugo procumbens Romania Savulescu; Rayss, T. 1930-05-10
IMI 26393 on leaf of Echinospermum lappula Romania Savulescu; Rayss, T.
IMI 26565 associated with Mentha sylvestris Romania Savulescu; Rayss, T.
IMI 26566 on leaf of Satureja acinos Romania Savulescu; Rayss, T. 1931-05-05
IMI 27325 associated with Corydalis cava Romania 1927-04-10
IMI 27352 on leaf of Androsace elongata Romania Savulescu; Rayss, T. 1930-04-03
IMI 28616 on leaf of Crataegus oxyacantha Italy Saccardo, P.A. 1875-09
IMI 28626 associated with Mespilus germanica Italy 1874-09
IMI 28627 Italy ex type coll.
IMI 28631 associated with Crataegus oxyacantha Italy Saccardo, P.A. 1874-10 ex co-type coll.
IMI 28632 associated with Mespilus germanica Italy Saccardo, P.A. 1874-09 ex co-type coll.
IMI 28633 associated with Mespilus germanica Italy Saccardo, P.A. 1875-09
IMI 28634 associated with Crataegus oxyacantha Italy 1874-09
IMI 28947 associated with Calamagrostis xxxxx Romania 1942-09-20
IMI 28955 associated with Lycopus exaltatus Romania Savulescu 1943-10-20
IMI 28961 associated with Euphrasia tatarica Romania 1942-08-05
IMI 28963 associated with Equisetum ramosissimum Romania 1942-09-20
IMI 28968 associated with Neurotus tenticularis Romania
IMI 28978 associated with Festuca ovina Romania 1943-08-15
IMI 28985 associated with Cynodon dactylon Romania Racovitza 1942-08-15
IMI 29009 associated with Echinops ruthenicus Romania 1943-09-20
IMI 29022 associated with Triticum vulgare Romania 1943-07-14
IMI 29030 associated with Pinus sylvestris Romania 1940-09-08
IMI 29031 associated with Abies alba Romania 1945-10-08
IMI 29039 associated with Zygophyllum fabago Romania Savulescu; Bontec 1942-09-27
IMI 29041 associated with Vitis riparia Romania 1941-09-20
IMI 29044 associated with Nerium oleander Romania 1943-07-02
IMI 29050 associated with Vitis labrusca Romania 1942-07-25
IMI 29052 associated with Thuja orientalis Romania 1942-08
IMI 29053 associated with Thuja orientalis Romania 1942-08
IMI 29054 associated with Astragalus cephalotes Romania Savulescu; Bontec 1943-09-28
IMI 29063 associated with Gymnadenia conopea Romania Racovitza; Savulescu 1942-08-15
IMI 29065 associated with Salix triandra Romania Racovitza; Savulescu 1942-09-08
IMI 29066 associated with Calystegia sepium Romania Racovitza; Savulescu 1942-07-25
IMI 29072 associated with Crataegus oxyacantha Romania Racovitza; Savulescu 1938-03-12
IMI 29074 associated with Quercus petraea Romania Racovitza; Savulescu 1942-08-02
IMI 29075 associated with Populus alba Romania Racovitza; Savulescu 1942-08-01
IMI 29086 associated with Cucumis sativus Romania 1936-04-16
IMI 29087 associated with Aconitum bucovinense Romania 1943-08-28
IMI 30111 associated with Inula viscosa Albania Petrak, F. 1918-09
IMI 30368 associated with Gentiana punctata Slovenia Hruby, J. 1925-07
IMI 31028 associated with Atriplex recurva Greece Rechinger 1942-05-14
IMI 31265 associated with Crataegus oxyacantha Italy 1878-10
IMI 32896 associated with Inula candida Croatia Poeverlein, H. 1929-06
IMI 32970 associated with Cressa cretica Greece Rechinger, K.H. 1942-06
IMI 33454 associated with Chenopodium Bulgaria 1928-06
IMI 35173 associated with Euonymus europaeus Romania 1902-08-19
IMI 35174 associated with Euonymus europaeus Romania
IMI 35175 associated with Euphorbia lathyris Romania 1927-09-14
IMI 35177 associated with Ligustrum vulgare Romania Savulescu; Sandu 1933-04-30
IMI 35178 associated with Arachis hypogaea Romania Savulescu; Sandu 1934-09-20
IMI 35180 associated with Polygonum latifolium Romania 1933-06-04
IMI 36491 associated with Tinantia arvensis Romania
IMI 36766 associated with Crataegus oxyacantha Romania
IMI 36769 associated with Cydonia vulgaris Romania
IMI 36953 associated with Nicotiana tabacum Italy Briosi, G.; Cavara, F.
IMI 37161 Italy Anon. [CBS] (via James, M.E. [Miss])
IMI 37963 associated with Eryngium campestre Greece Critopoulos
IMI 38077 associated with Inula attica Greece
IMI 39769 associated with Ostrya carpinifolia Italy Briosi, G.; Cavara, F.
IMI 39770 associated with Acer tataricum Romania
IMI 45374 associated with Vitis vinifera Italy Briosi, G.; Cavara, F.
IMI 45937 associated with Ampelodesma tenax Italy Ciccarone, A.
IMI 47563 associated with Scirpus sylvaticus Italy
IMI 47696 associated with Citrus limonum Italy Penzig, O.
IMI 50043 associated with Gentiana utriculosa Romania Savulescu, T.
IMI 50049 associated with Helianthus annuus Romania
IMI 50056 associated with Solanum tuberosum Romania
IMI 50078 associated with Cydonia vulgaris Romania Savulescu, T.
IMI 50089 associated with Petroselinum sativum Romania
IMI 50104 associated with Carpinus betulus Romania Savulescu, T.
IMI 54526 associated with Taraxacum officinale Romania Savulescu, T.
IMI 55024 associated with Centaurea jurineaefolia Romania Savulescu, T.
IMI 55025 associated with Centaurea arenaria Romania Savulescu, T.
IMI 55105 associated with Doronicum austriacum Romania Savulescu, T.
IMI 55109 associated with Echinops sphaerocephalus Romania Savulescu, T.
IMI 55396 associated with Inula germanica Romania Savulescu, T.
IMI 55398 associated with Inula helenium Romania Savulescu, T.
IMI 55399 associated with Inula ensifolia Romania Savulescu, T.
IMI 55540 associated with Senecio paludosus Romania Savulescu, T.
IMI 55681 associated with Tanacetum balsamita Romania Savulescu, T.
IMI 55682 associated with Tanacetum balsamita Italy
IMI 61575 associated with Celastrus orbiculatus Romania
IMI 61576 associated with Evodia hupehensis Romania ex type coll.
IMI 61591 associated with Vinca minor Romania
IMI 61592 associated with Iva xanthifolia Romania
IMI 61595 associated with Dracaena fragrans Romania
IMI 61601 associated with Euonymus europaeus Romania
IMI 61603 associated with Populus alba var. bolleana Romania
IMI 61609 associated with Robinia pseudoacacia Romania
IMI 61611 associated with Lycium barbarum Romania
IMI 61621 associated with Aegilops cylindrica Romania
IMI 61654 associated with Allium cepa Romania
IMI 61655 associated with Kamasneusis Romania
IMI 63527 on leaf of Malus pumila Malta Hopkins, J.C.F. 1956-07
IMI 63529 on fruit of Malus pumila Malta Hopkins, J.C.F. 1956-07
IMI 65122 associated with Salvia verticillata Romania Savulescu, T.
IMI 65123 associated with Salvia verticillata Romania Savulescu, T.
IMI 65581 associated with Allium nosivum Romania Savulescu, T.
IMI 65715 associated with Muscari tenuiflorum Romania Savulescu, T.
IMI 65825 associated with Scilla bifolia Romania Savulescu, T.
IMI 65848 associated with Veratrum album Romania Savulescu, T.
IMI 66506 associated with Adonis aestivalis Romania Savulescu, T.
IMI 66994 associated with Sorbus aucuparia Romania Savulescu, T.; Savulescu, O.-C.
IMI 66998 associated with Sorbus aucuparia Italy Briosi, G.; Cavara, F.
IMI 67449 associated with Athamanta hungarica Romania
IMI 67469 associated with Eryngium campestre Romania Savulescu, T.
IMI 67471 associated with Eryngium exoticum Greece Boldacci, A.
IMI 68799 associated with Hedysarum coronarium Malta Wheeler, B.E.J. 1957-01-23
IMI 68802 associated with Petroselinum hortense Malta 1957-01-28
IMI 68805 associated with Matthiola Malta 1957-01-28
IMI 68817 associated with Citrus sinensis Malta Wheeler, B.E.J. 1957-02-04
IMI 68828 associated with Citrus sinensis Malta Wheeler, B.E.J. 1957-02-04
IMI 69186 associated with Arisarum vulgare Malta Wheeler, B.E.J. 1957-02-06
IMI 69187 associated with Erodium moschatum Malta Wheeler, B.E.J. 1957-02-22
IMI 69207 associated with Scorpiurus muricatus var. subvillosus Malta Wheeler, B.E.J. 1957-03-20
IMI 69208 associated with Hedysarum coronarium Malta Wheeler, B.E.J. 1957-03-21
IMI 69210 associated with Hedysarum coronarium Malta Wheeler, B.E.J. 1957-03-20
IMI 69223 associated with Rosa Malta Wheeler, B.E.J. 1957-04-05
IMI 69225 associated with Quercus Malta Wheeler, B.E.J. 1957-04-09
IMI 69226 associated with Inula viscosa Malta Wheeler, B.E.J. 1957-04-10
IMI 69229 associated with Lycopersicon esculentum Malta 1957-05-03
IMI 69230 associated with Lycopersicon esculentum Malta 1957-05-03
IMI 69231 associated with Lycopersicon esculentum Malta 1957-05-03
IMI 69370 associated with Acer pseudoplatanus Italy Peyronel, B. 1911
IMI 69371 associated with Acer pseudoplatanus Italy Peyronel, B. 1916
IMI 69795 associated with Dahlia Malta 1957-07-04
IMI 69796 associated with Dahlia Malta 1957-07-04
IMI 69797 associated with Dahlia Malta 1957-07-04
IMI 69798 associated with Brassica oleracea Malta 1957-07-04
IMI 70123 associated with Pyrus Malta Wheeler, B.E.J.
IMI 70124 associated with Smyrnium olusatrum Malta Wheeler, B.E.J.
IMI 70128 associated with Pisum sativum Malta Wheeler, B.E.J.
IMI 70131 associated with Euonymus japonicus Malta Wheeler, B.E.J.
IMI 70133 associated with Lycopersicon esculentum Malta Wheeler, B.E.J.
IMI 70137 associated with Triticum vulgare Malta Wheeler, B.E.J.
IMI 70149 associated with Pyrus malus Malta Wheeler, B.E.J.
IMI 70150 associated with Pyrus malus Malta Wheeler, B.E.J.
IMI 70155 associated with Pisum sativum Malta Wheeler, B.E.J.
IMI 70161 associated with Eriobotrya japonica Malta Wheeler, B.E.J.
IMI 70165 associated with Triticum vulgare Malta Wheeler, B.E.J.
IMI 70170 associated with Cucurbita Malta Wheeler, B.E.J.
IMI 70173 associated with Inula viscosa Malta Wheeler, B.E.J.
IMI 70179 associated with Vitis vinifera Malta Wheeler, B.E.J.
IMI 70188 associated with Vitis vinifera Malta Wheeler, B.E.J.
IMI 70223 associated with Citrus Malta Wheeler, B.E.J. 1957
IMI 70276 associated with Laurus nobilis Malta
IMI 70294 associated with Salix alba Malta ex type coll.
IMI 70296 associated with Ranunculus aquatilis Malta ex type coll.
IMI 70302 associated with Sorghum vulgare Malta
IMI 70335 associated with Olea Malta
IMI 70356 associated with Lotus ornithopodioides Malta
IMI 70368 associated with Lotus edulis Malta
IMI 70398 associated with Medicago orbicularis Malta
IMI 70413 associated with Scirpus holoschoenus Malta ex type coll.
IMI 70416 associated with Cucurbita pepo Malta ex type coll.
IMI 70422 associated with Lagurus ovatus Malta ex type coll.
IMI 70475 associated with Vicia ervilia Malta Wheeler, B.E.J. 1957-06-03
IMI 70481 associated with Olea europaea Malta Wheeler, B.E.J. 1957-04-04
IMI 70488 associated with Cucurbita Malta Wheeler, B.E.J. 1957-07-04
IMI 70489 associated with Lamium amplexicaule Malta Wheeler, B.E.J. 1957-05-27
IMI 70491 associated with Avena sterilis Malta Wheeler, B.E.J. 1957-05-04
IMI 70495 associated with Vicia faba Malta Wheeler, B.E.J. 1957-03-05
IMI 70554 associated with Vitis vinifera Malta Wheeler, B.E.J. 1957-06-21
IMI 70852 Italy
IMI 71674 Italy
IMI 72676 Italy
IMI 76004 on/isolated from leaf, leafspot of Manihot utilissima Italy 1929-03-10
IMI 76393 Italy
IMI 77760 associated with Cannabis sativa Italy 1955
IMI 77833 associated with Lycopersicon esculentum Italy 1959
IMI 79266 associated with Berberis vulgaris Italy ex type coll.
IMI 79589 Italy 1959
IMI 79590 Italy 1959
IMI 79591 Italy 1959
IMI 79827 associated with Wisteria sinensis Romania Savulescu 1953-10-22
IMI 79844 associated with Artemisia absinthium Romania 1948-08-29
IMI 79846 associated with Agropyron repens Romania Savulescu 1953-06-05
IMI 80183 associated with Brassica oleracea Italy 1959-10
IMI 80286 associated with Althaea rosea Italy Saccardo, P.A. 1875-10 ex type coll.
IMI 80287 associated with Althaea rosea Italy Saccardo, P.A. 1875-09 ex type coll.
IMI 83797 on stem, dead of Rumex arifolius Slovenia Dennis, R.W.G. 1960-09-08
IMI 83904 Italy
IMI 83914 associated with Castanea vesca Italy Saccardo, P.A. 1873
IMI 84641 on symptom, mastitis of Bos taurus Greece Parisis, E. 1960
IMI 86129 associated with Pteris aquilina Italy Saccardo, P.A. 1874
IMI 86968 associated with Quercus pedunculata Italy 1874-09
IMI 89001 associated with Capparis rupestris Italy Massalongo, C.B. ex type coll. of Cercospora capparidis var. luxurians
IMI 91474 Italy
IMI 92698 Italy
IMI 94263 associated with Veratrum flavum Greece Rechinger, K.H. 1956-07-28
IMI 94364 associated with Caloplaca mutelliana Italy 1956-04
IMI 94562 associated with Ascochyta hyoscyami Romania Pater, B. 1916-05-16
IMI 94688 associated with Astragalus Greece Rechinger, K. 1942-07-13
IMI 96475 associated with Zizyphus spina Italy 1914 ex type coll.
IMI 102764 associated with Olea europaea Malta 1963-10-21
IMI 104332 on branch of Olea Italy ex type coll. of Hyaloceras notarisii and Stilbospora ceratospora
IMI 104607 associated with Spinacia oleracea Italy 1964-02-20
IMI 105866 associated with Chamaerops excelsa Italy Saccardo, A. 1904-04
IMI 109532 Italy FLRM
IMI 112993 Italy E. Baldacci 1965-04-12
IMI 113416 Italy B. Camerino 1964-02-20
IMI 113795 associated with Magnolia grandiflora Malta E.F.Coleiro 1965-06-20
IMI 115525 on dried branches of Robinia pseudoacacia Romania C. Saudu-Ville 1948-06-15
IMI 115530 on branches of Viburnum lantana Romania C. Sandu-Ville 1952-07-13
IMI 115532 on leaves of Cineraria maritima Romania O. Savulescu ; E. Eliade 1958-07
IMI 115534 on leaves of Bellis perennis Romania O. Savulescu ; E. Eliade 1958-06-03
IMI 115551 on flower of Tunica saxifraga Romania Tr. Savulescu 1956-07-17
IMI 115593 on leaves of Aconitum degenii Romania C. Sandu-Ville 1953-08-25
IMI 116271 Italy B.Cameroni 1965-12-09
IMI 116294 associated with Eryngium planum Romania K.Vanky 1963-06-06
IMI 116853 Italy XXXXXX 1965-02-25
IMI 119910 associated with Bambusoideae Greece D.Reid 1966-05-27
IMI 119911 associated with Capparis Greece D.Reid 1966-06-02
IMI 120540 on leaf of Xanthium strumarium Romania I. Comes ; Il Ene 1963-08-30
IMI 120545 on leaf of Hyssopus officinalis Romania I. Comes ; Il Ene 1960-10-28
IMI 120549 on leaf of Lycium halimifolium Romania I. Comes ; Il Ene & I. Terbea 1963-10-25
IMI 120555 on in spic of Aegilops cylindrica Romania I. Comes 1963-06-07
IMI 120581 on leaf of Artemisia absinthii Romania I. Comes ; Il Ene ; M. Costescu ; I. Terbea 1965-10-10
IMI 120582 on leaf of Artemisia pontica Romania Il Ene 1964-06-17
IMI 120583 on leaf of Chrysanthemum balsamita Romania Il Ene ; M. Costescu ; I. Terbea 1963-10-02
IMI 120588 on leaf of Echinops sphaerocephalus Romania Il. Ene 1963-05-30
IMI 123425 associated with Hupinus albus Italy B. Fassi 1962-05-22
IMI 123426 associated with Pinus strobus Italy B. Fassi 1966-11-04
IMI 124969 associated with Armoracia rusticana Romania Ovidiu Constantinescu 1966-07-18
IMI 124970 associated with Lepidium draba Romania Ovidiu Constantinescu 1966-06-14
IMI 124971 associated with Helianthemum Romania Ovidiu Constantinescu 1966-09-25
IMI 124974 associated with Tilia tomentosa Romania Ovidiu Constantinescu 1965-04-16
IMI 124976 associated with Plantago lanceolata Romania Ovidiu Constantinescu 1965-08-03
IMI 124977 associated with Viola tricolor Romania Ovidiu Constantinescu 1966-06-19
IMI 126840 Italy
IMI 130777 Italy
IMI 130778 Italy
IMI 130779 Italy
IMI 131233 Italy 1968-01-22
IMI 131502 Italy 1968-02-02
IMI 131509 Italy
IMI 131669 Italy 1968-02-20
IMI 131670 Italy 1968-02-20
IMI 135589 on leaf of Acer tataricum Romania I. Eno etc. 1965-06-18
IMI 135627 on leaf of Pyrus piraster Romania I. Eno 1966-06-03
IMI 135636 on leaf of Polygonatum officinale Romania I. Eno 1964-06-02
IMI 135650 on leaf of Ribes grossularia Romania I. Comes 1965-09-04
IMI 135661 on leaf of Marrubium vulgare Romania I. Eno 1964-06-02
IMI 135662 on pondi in fol. of Onopordon acanthium Romania I. Comes; I. Eno & M. Costescu 1964-06-24
IMI 136533 Italy Bruo Comllisco 1968-11-21
IMI 137178 Italy B. camerinon 1969-01-15
IMI 141226 associated with Citrus Italy Dr. Mario Pacetto
IMI 144223 associated with Zea mays Italy 1940
IMI 150570 associated with Sophora prodanii Romania O.Constantinescu 1962-05-24
IMI 150602 associated with Linaria genistifolia Romania E.Eliade 1966-10-14
IMI 150621 associated with Chenopodium ambrosioides Romania O.Constantinescu 1964-07-25
IMI 150628 associated with Eriophorum latifolium Romania Aurelia Crisan 1960-07
IMI 150629 associated with Salvia nemorosa Romania O.Constantinescu 1964-06-18
IMI 150632 associated with Serratula caput-najae Romania O.Constantinescu 1964-06-18
IMI 151110 associated with Galega officinalis Romania O.Constantinescu 1964-10-02
IMI 151120 associated with Cynanchum acutum Romania O.Constantinescu 1963-09-28
IMI 151875 Italy B.Camerino 1970-10-05
IMI 154636 Albania Petrak, F. 1918-19-21
IMI 155892 associated with Silybum marianum Italy Hasan, S. 1970-04-29
IMI 155894 associated with Silybum marianum Greece Hasan, S. 1970-05-15
IMI 155897 associated with Asphodelus fistulosus Greece Hasan, S. 1970-06-23
IMI 155904 associated with Chondrilla juncea Italy Hasan, S. 1970-11-12
IMI 155907 associated with Silybum marianum Italy Hasan, S. 1970-04-29
IMI 159407 associated with Pyrus communis 'Bambinella' Malta E.F.Collingwood
IMI 161803 associated with Peucedanum Italy Dennis, R.W.G.
IMI 162527 associated with Citrus limon Italy G.Perrotta
IMI 162737 associated with Arundo donax Italy
IMI 164632 associated with Diatrype berengeriana Italy 1874-10
IMI 165492 associated with Vitis vinifera Greece Aspden, O. 1972-09-23
IMI 170372 associated with Cupressus sempervirens Italy 1972-10-24
IMI 171449 Slovenia 1972-11-23
IMI 171547 Italy 1972-12-22
IMI 171669 associated with Salvia verticillata Romania Comes, I.; Ene, I.; Costescu, M.; Glodeanu, C. 1967-09-11
IMI 171682 associated with Doronicum hungaricum Romania Glodeanu, C. 1965-03-28
IMI 171683 associated with Lithospermum purpureum Romania Glodeanu, C. 1965-03-20
IMI 171942 associated with Salix viminalis Romania Sandu-Ville, C. 1966-10-02
IMI 172037 associated with Melissa officinalis Romania Constantinescu, O.; Negrean, C. 1970-07-31
IMI 172042 associated with Septoria euphorbiae Romania Comes, I.; Ene, I.; Glodeanu, C. 1968-09-24
IMI 172046 associated with Salvia nutans Romania Negrean, G.A. 1970-07-13
IMI 172073 associated with Onopordon tauricum Romania Negrean, G.A.; Constantinescu, O. 1970-07-15
IMI 176076 associated with Acanthus mollis Italy D.Sacc.
IMI 176078 associated with Acanthus spinosus Italy G.B. Laverso
IMI 177428 Greece M.Tulloch 1973-06-20
IMI 179073 associated with Betula alta Italy Conestia 1895-04-27 Type of Coryneum notarisianum
IMI 179082 Italy Patavinur
IMI 179137 associated with Pandanus utilis Malta C.Gatto
IMI 179686 associated with Quercus pubescens Italy C.Massalongo 1990
IMI 180926 associated with Capsicum annuum Bulgaria Austwick, P.K.C. 1973-12
IMI 180980 associated with Pimenta racemosa Montenegro Bennett, F.D. 1973-11
IMI 182302 associated with Olea europaea Greece Malathrakis, N.E. 1974-02-11
IMI 184737 associated with Vitis vinifera Italy Hr.S.Grasso
IMI 186390 associated with Doronicum austriacum Romania O.Constantinescu
IMI 186412 associated with Asperula tenella Romania Negrean, G.
IMI 186416 associated with Carex hirta Romania Negrean, G.
IMI 186420 associated with Chaerophyllum temulentum Romania Negrean, G.
IMI 186427 associated with Carlina vulgaris Romania Negrean, G.
IMI 186429 associated with Ferulago campestris Romania Negrean, G.
IMI 186437 associated with Iris dacica Romania Negrean, G.
IMI 186438 associated with Iris ruthenica Romania Negrean, G.
IMI 186440 associated with Cirsium palustre Romania Negrean, G.
IMI 186449 associated with Achillea ptarmica Romania Elena lungedcu
IMI 186457 associated with Vaccinium uliginosum Romania Negrean, G.
IMI 186492 associated with Centaurium pulchellum Romania Negrean, G.
IMI 186493 associated with Linum catharticum Romania Negrean, G.
IMI 186497 associated with Stachys palustris Romania Negrean, G.
IMI 186517 associated with Chenopodium album Romania Negrean, G.
IMI 186519 associated with Ranunculus constantinopolitanus Romania Negrean, G.
IMI 186520 associated with Ranunculus sardous Romania Negrean, G.
IMI 186537 associated with Rubus hirtus Romania O.Corstantiescu
IMI 186564 associated with Ocimum basilicum Italy Prof.E.Refalti
IMI 187849 associated with Usnea Italy 1971
IMI 191768 on/isolated from root of Citrus aurantium Italy Cotara, A. [Dr] 1975-02-27
IMI 200801 associated with Centaurea orientalis Romania Negrean, G.A. 1974-05-17
IMI 200841 associated with Ranunculus pseudomontanus Romania 1974-07-23
IMI 200844 associated with Lepidium latifolium Romania 1973-08-27
IMI 200901 associated with Peucedanum officinale Romania Negrean, G.A. 1972-11-15
IMI 200902 associated with Euphorbia carpatica Romania Negrean, G.A. 1974-11-01
IMI 200903 associated with Euphorbia palustris Romania Negrean, G.A. 1974-08-14
IMI 200921 associated with Ajuga laxmannii Romania Negrean, G.A. 1972-05-23
IMI 202889 associated with Cyperus papyrus Sicilia 1976-04-20
IMI 202936 associated with Fragaria vesca Italy Noviello, C. 1976-04-07
IMI 203685 associated with Arundinaria falcata Italy 1898-08 ex type coll.
IMI 206316 associated with Prunus cerasus Italy Saccardo, P.A. 1875-11
IMI 206318 associated with Cerasorum juniorum Italy 1875-10
IMI 213759 Macedonia Preston, C.D. 1977-06-26
IMI 215085 associated with Vitis vinifera Sicilia Refatti, E. 1977-07-25
IMI 224839 associated with Vitis vinifera Sicilia Rifatti, E. 1978-01-28
IMI 229603 associated with Rubus fruticosus Italy Bruzzesa, E. 1978-04-13
IMI 229604 associated with Rubus fruticosus Italy Bruzzesa, E. 1978-04-15
IMI 229621 associated with Citrus Sicilia Catara, A. [Prof.] 1978-07-03
IMI 233040 associated with Pinus sylvestris Italy
IMI 233319 associated with Prunus pissardii Italy Mascher, G.B. 1978-10-24
IMI 233320 associated with Carpinus betulus Italy Mascher, G.B. 1978-10-24
IMI 236545 associated with Asphodelus albus Greece 1956-07-28
IMI 236550 associated with Veratrum flavum Greece 1956-07-28
IMI 236718 associated with Eucalyptus Greece Minter, D.W. 1978-09-04
IMI 237673 associated with Gardenia jasminoides Sicilia 1979-04-09
IMI 237674 associated with Gardenia jasminoides Sicilia 1979-04-09
IMI 238909 associated with Vitis vinifera Italy Ciccarone, A. 1979-05-21
IMI 238910 associated with Adiantum capillus-veneris Italy 1979-05-15
IMI 240371 associated with Pteridium aquilinum Italy Passerini, G. 1884-08 ex type coll.
IMI 240372 associated with Pteridium aquilinum Italy Passerini, G.
IMI 240773 on/isolated from plant of Lycopersicon esculentum Italy 1979-07
IMI 241524 associated with Fagus Italy Minervini, G. [Dr] 1979-09-06
IMI 242249 associated with Heliotropium Greece Hasan, S. 1979-08-05
IMI 243251 associated with Abies alba Romania Lungescu, E. 1969-06-27
IMI 244710 associated with Cydonia vulgaris Romania Savulescu, T.; Sandu, C. 1930-01-02
IMI 244711 associated with Cydonia vulgaris Romania Savulescu, T. 1945-10-14
IMI 246024 associated with Abies cephalonica Greece Diamandis, S. 1978-10
IMI 246159 associated with Prunus cerasus Italy ex type coll.
IMI 246326 associated with Pinus halepensis Greece Minter, D.W. 1979-04-03
IMI 247837 associated with Kochia prostrata Romania Negrean, G.A. 1977-09-21
IMI 247866 associated with Echinops exaltatus Romania Negrean, G.A. 1975-07-28
IMI 247867 associated with Frankenia hirsuta Romania Negrean, G.A. 1977-09-21
IMI 247869 associated with Jasminum fruticans Romania Negrean, G.A. 1975-07-11
IMI 247988 associated with Plantago arenaria Romania Negrean, G.A. 1976-08-01
IMI 248029 associated with Prunella vulgaris Romania Negrean, G.A. 1976-06-29
IMI 248032 associated with Peucedanum austriacum Romania Negrean, G.A. 1973-09-12
IMI 248045 associated with Erysimum odoratum Romania Negrean, G.A. 1972-05-24
IMI 250620 on/isolated from root of Lycopersicon esculentum Italy Mappes [Frau Dr] 1980-08-11
IMI 252795 associated with Pinus mugo Bosnia-Herzegovina Minter, D.W. 1980-09-18
IMI 253598 associated with Glaucium flavum Greece Vánky, K. 1978-04-28
IMI 253841 associated with Sorghum halepense Italy Porta Pughia, A. [Dr] 1979-08-28
IMI 255026 associated with Malus pumila Italy Bazzi, C. [Dr] 1980-01-23
IMI 256621 associated with Abies cephalonica Greece Minter, D.W. 1979-04
IMI 256764 associated with Spartium junceum Italy Bagnis, C. 1875 ex type coll.
IMI 259113 associated with Populus Serbia Vakasimovice, S. 1981-05-25
IMI 259591 associated with Platanus orientalis Italy Nalli, R. 1980-12
IMI 259593 associated with Hordeum polystichon Italy Nalli, R. 1980-12
IMI 260900 associated with Pistacia Italy Guanata, G. 1981-08-04

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